Archive for Seattle

Dave Dorman Confidential: Why I Don’t Attend DragonCon

Posted in Chicago Comic Book Artists, Collectors, Comic Book Convention, DAVE DORMAN NEWS, Del Stone Jr., Denise Dorman, Facebook, Geek Culture, Illustration, LinkedIn, Military, Nerd Culture, Painting, Pop Culture, Social Activism, Social Commentary, Social Networking, Uncategorized, WriteBrain Media with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 18, 2011 by DaveandDeniseDorman

Dear Friends,

First, let me post my upcoming appearances, so it’s front and center:

* Detroit Fan Fare Days 9/23 – 9/25, 2011
* Dallas for Star Wars Fan Days 10/8 – 10/9, 2011
* SteamCon in Seattle 10/15 – 10/16

My longtime friend and award-winning sci-fi/horror writer Del Stone Jr. has held my secret for all of these years. As DragonCon started growing its attendance trajectory and publicity, more and more people have asked me if, when and why I don’t attend DragonCon. Only Del Stone Jr. and my wife knew the reasons why.

In this article, it proves that original founder Ed Kramer, for whom my distaste, disgust and anger knows no bounds, STILL earns money from the show. I REFUSE to help fund someone allegedly involved in pedophilia. Here is the Atlanta Journal Constitution article that proves Ed Kramer is still earning profits from DragonCon:

Here is the most recent article, describing how Ed Kramer was arrested recently, found in a Milford, Connecticut hotel with a 14-year-old boy:

You can draw your own conclusions. You can continue exhibiting at DragonCon. You can attend and support DragonCon. However, I will not be joining you there. The very idea of helping to fund Ed Kramer makes my skin crawl.

Ed Kramer gave me the creeps the first time I met him, and I relayed that to Del. When the allegations began to surface, I knew my creep radar needed no recalibrating.

Del sent me the most recent article via Facebook, which led me to read the other two related articles. My heart goes out to the two young men, now serving us proudly in the U.S. military, who allegedly endured those horrific encounters with the one-man creep show that is Ed Kramer.

I would think there must be some way DragonCon can prove Kramer’s association is damaging their brand and disengage from funding Ed Kramer. If they were smart they would have attached a morals clause by which he had to abide in order to profit from the show. Until I see evidence that he is no longer profiting, you won’t be seeing me there.

As always, thanks for reading,


P.S. Here are links to my contact info, in case you ever want to reach out:



LinkedIn: (I am an open networker on LI)

Publicist: Denise Dorman —